
This is my personal journal.

星期六, 10月 07, 2006

I cleaned my bicycle today

My bicycle has been placed in the basement of my parents' place for, say, about 2 years. No one knows it is there except myself. My Mom has her own used bicycle and she often rides it to do some shopping in the market. My bike is not very easy to ride for girls because it has a near-horizontal bar between the seat and the handle. So my Mom was not interested in riding my bike, that's why I put it into the garage in the basement. During this Moon Festival/Double Ten Festival vacation, I "finally" have time to pay more attention to my bike since I have more time during this visit. After I clean it thoroughly and it looks like a new one. Now I can enjoy riding it again, just like I used to! But I must make sure the tires have no any tiny leak before I start my way.

I passed another board....

Board of Child and adolescent psychiatry, a subspecialty of psychaitry
Date of getting this board: 2006/9/3
Place: Taipei, Taiwan