
This is my personal journal.

星期二, 9月 28, 2004

2 more weeks left....

Ha! I will attend the oral board just at 2+ weeks later.
I feel more confident about myself this time.
I have to pass it so can I continue my training and further research works.
I will do my best this time!

星期三, 9月 22, 2004

To prepare for the oral board at 3 weeks later.....

I hope this time I will pass.
No more suffering from the tension and frustration deeply inside.
I believe this time I can make it! Cheers!!

星期日, 9月 12, 2004

Another typhoon's coming...

My god! That would be the 20th typhoon of this year!
And now I am hesitating to go to the academic meeting tomorrow.......

星期五, 9月 10, 2004

It's raining cats and dogs today......

Driving in such a big rain has made me quite nervous.

星期四, 9月 09, 2004

Lost, but also relieved....

I found that an abstract of my 2 posters in the coming annual psychiatric conference was rejected by the committee today. However, I also feel relieved because I am not that ready to write about the rejected topic. So, I celebrate and sigh in the same time. This situation is so ambivalent and I had better not scare myself to death so early, because I got an very important oral exams in mid-October and I'm gonna to pass it this time. No more torture from the failed exams! The triumph should come at last! Cheers, myself!!

星期二, 9月 07, 2004

What a wonderful night...

My roommate and I went shopping in the nearest supermarket tonight. No rush and no crowding. We picked what we wanted in a very casual way. Then we bought some night snacks and enjoyed. I love the time that we spent with each other, espcially after I finished the busy evening clinic in the hospital.

星期六, 9月 04, 2004

Party time!

To celebrate our promotion from residents to visiting staff.
After 5 hours' singing in the KTV, then comes the big feast in the evening.

星期五, 9月 03, 2004

I now know what "Gmail" is!

My friend told me that if he got a invitation for using Gmail, he'll give me one.
I searched GOOGLE for "Gmail" and I got this website:

It says:

A Google approach to email.

Gmail is an experiment in a new kind of webmail, built on the idea that you should never have to delete mail and you should always be able to find the message you want.
Search, don't sort.
Use Google search to find the exact message you want, no matter when it was sent or received.

Don't throw anything away.
1000 megabytes of free storage so you'll never need to delete another message.

Keep it all in context.
Each message is grouped with all its replies and displayed as a conversation.

No pop-up ads. No untargeted banners.
You see only relevant text ads and links to related web pages of interest.

Now I am looking forward to using this cool stuff!

星期四, 9月 02, 2004

A good start

Today I build this blog for myself. I want it to be my private home in the 'Net.